You are here: Modules > Pupil Management > Pupil Groups Module > Prospective Pupils

About Prospective Pupils

The Prospective Pupils function displays information about children who have been logged as ‘prospective’ in the Admissions module in passFINANCE/schoolADMIN. Depending on permissions, you are able to undertake the following tasks:

  • Viewing details about individual children.
  • Adding notes to selected prospective pupils.
  • Adding prospective pupil documents to selected prospective pupils.

Note: As with many search screens within 3sysACADEMIC, you are able to utilise views to filter, sort and group the data in different ways. For details, see About Views.

Note: You are also able to export the search results displayed in the grid to Excel, by clicking MS Excel icon. For details, see About Exporting Data to Excel.