About Markbook Generic Import
You can bulk import markbook data from Excel files into 3sysACADEMIC Markbooks, such as tasks and pupils’ marks/grades. However, before you can bulk import markbook data, you need to have exported the relevant pupil groups into Excel files, and added the appropriate tasks and marks/grades to these files. In order to bulk import markbook data, you need to follow this process:
- Specify and export pupil groups to a Microsoft Excel xls file using the Generic File Export wizard. This file is referred to as the ‘pupil group template’. (This wizard ONLY allows you to export pupil group records to a file. It does NOT allow to you export markbook data.)
- Use Excel to input task and mark data in the pupil group template file. You can add task columns and enter marks/grades, or copy and paste existing markbook data from other systems. The tasks you enter in the pupil group template file appear as tasks within 3sysACADEMIC Markbooks, and the marks for pupils appear within the relevant tasks.
- Import the task and mark data from the pupil group template file into 3sysACADEMIC Markbooks, using the Generic File Import wizard.
For example, if a subject leader wanted to export a pupil group template for each of his teaching staff for separate subject sets, so that each teacher could enter the relevant marks/grades for an internal assessment, the following process could be undertaken:
- Subject Leader: Export a pupil group template for each of his teaching staff.
- Subject Leader: Specify the name of the internal assessment as a task column in each exported pupil group template. (This is to ensure that the name of the internal assessment task is consistent.)
- Subject Leader: Send each teacher the relevant pupil group template file.
- Teacher: Enter the marks/grades into their pupil group template file. (This could be undertaken at home and offline.)
- Teacher: Send their pupil group template file back to the Subject Leader to import the markbook data. (Alternatively, the teachers could import their own pupil group template file.)
- Subject Leader: Import each pupil group template file. The markbook data is then available for view and manipulation within 3sysACADEMIC Markbooks. For example, to perform calculations using this data, and to use the Target RAG (red, amber and green) traffic light system to assess pupils’ progress against a specific task.
Alternatively if teachers have already recorded pupils’ marks for tasks, for example in Word or Excel, they could bulk enter these marks into the exported pupil group template by copying and pasting the mark data.

For details, refer to the Bulk Import of Markbook Data User Guide.