You are here: Modules > Pastoral / Behaviour > Pastoral Management Module > Maintaining Pastoral Records

About Maintaining Pastoral Records

The Pastoral Management module can be used to view, delete and make amendments and additions to pastoral records.

Note: The options you see depend upon the permissions set by your System Administrator.

Staff access to pastoral records can be limited to protect pupil confidentiality. Records are normally available to the person who created them and the staff linked to the record's category. For more information about categories, see About Configuring Pastoral Management.

As well as being able to update records, users with appropriate access can augment them by adding Notes with further information or more recent developments. In addition, Actions can be added and assigned to staff as part of a note. See About Adding Pastoral Records for details.

Actions have an alert system which means any that have not been completed by the specified deadline include Red triangle with a white exclaimation mark in it.

A note with an overdue action and the overdue alert highlighted

The action deadline appears on the Pastoral Management dashboard of the relevant staff, providing a convenient, single place where staff can see what they need to do and when they need to have completed the action.

Pastoral Management dashboard with the Action Required By column highlighted.

Once an action, e.g. interviewing a pupil, has been completed, it must be marked as such in the software and any relevant information added. A A green tick alert appears on a completed task, as shown in the screenshot below.

Completed action with tick highlighted next to the heading

Note: If actions are incomplete, the related note's status CANNOT be changed to 'Closed'.