About Markbook Tasks
Markbook Tasks enables you to create Tasks in order to capture formative data, enabling you to capture and then analyse this assessment data. You can set the Task assessment method as Grade Set or numeric, and you can define to which period the assessment relates.
In Markbooks Management, your System Administrator is able to set up different types of Markbook Tasks for your school, for which you can subsequently capture markbook data, for example 'Assessment', 'General' and 'Baseline' types. Your System Administrator will have configured Assessment Periods in which Tasks will take place, for example 'Autumn', 'Spring' and 'Summer', ready for your use. In addition, your System Administrator may also have configured Task Categories for reporting purposes. (Multiple subjects can be added to Task Categories, and you can add multiple Task Categories to Markbook Tasks.)
Example: As an English teacher, in order to aid your understanding of your pupils' progression over the Autumn and Spring term, you may wish to set up following Tasks: for the Autumn term 'Short Essay', 'Long Essay' and 'Homework' tasks; and for the Spring term, 'Short Essay', 'Long Essay' and 'Homework' tasks. Using Markbooks, you will then be able to run calculations against the markbook data recorded, enabling you to assess your pupils' attainment and level of understanding. You can then modify your teaching and learning activities appropriately in order to improve pupil attainment, or set up intervention measures where relevant.
When you set up a Task, you specify the following:
- Main details about the Task, such as name, the group(s) of pupils who will need to undertake this Task, the type of Task (such as 'Assessment' or 'General'), the Assessment Period in which this Task will take place, and the date on which the Task will occur.
- Marking method for this Task, e.g. Grade Set, multiple Grade Sets or numeric values, and the weighting (importance) of this Task in relation to other Tasks that are set. For example, Markbook Group Calculations uses the weighting assigned to a Task to calculate the relative value of a Task within a Group Calculation.
- Pupil group(s) who will undertake this Task, and the main teacher responsible for implementing and marking this Task.
Note: You may wish to consider using Marking Schemes to set up Markbook Task Templates, from which you can subsequently generate Markbook Tasks for pupil groups of your choosing.