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About Markbook Academic Profiles

The Markbook Academic Profiles module enables you to create sophisticated views of your existing markbook data. You can use a range of filtering criteria to ensure your Academic Profile is restricted to a specific set of Tasks, and you can determine the order in which these Tasks appear.

You can set a Target Task against an Academic Profile, which enables you to easily view the pupils’ level of achievement against that Target Task. You can also set any Task displayed within the Mark Inquiry Task grid to be the Target Task. In addition, you can view how well pupils have done on a progressive task-by-task basis.

As part of creating an Academic Profile, you can utilise the Staff Custom Group functionality, which allows you to set up specific groups of staff. You can then grant access to particular Academic Profiles to specific staff groups, giving you the ability to restrict the profiles to only the relevant staff. You can also configure Academic Profiles to be accessible to only individual members of staff, or to all users with access to Academic Profiles.

For example, you could create a staff custom group for each subject set, and assign the relevant teachers to each group. Subsequently, you could create an Academic Profile for each subject set for each form year, which incorporates all the Tasks you expect your pupils to complete over the year. As part of the Academic Profile, you could set the autumn half term results as the Target Task against which the other results are compared. You can even set up Academic Profiles to cross academic years, so you could set up the Target Task to be the last Task of the summer term in the previous academic year, to enable you to assess progress since the new academic year began.

Note: In order to quickly create a set of Tasks for a specific pupil group, such as a subject set, you can use the Markbook Generic Export module to export a pupil template to Excel. You can then add the required Tasks as new columns in the template, and import these into 3sysACADEMIC Markbooks using the Markbook Generic Import module.