You are here: Modules > Academic Management > Markbooks Module > Mark Entry

About Mark Entry

Once the relevant Markbook Tasks have been created, you can use Mark Entry to display the relevant pupil records and then enter the applicable markbook data.

From within Mark Entry, you are also able to:

  • Copy a Task, and copy a Task with marks.
  • Go to Mark Inquiry with the currently selected pupil group and related markbook data already displayed, enabling easy data comparison.
  • Go to Markbook Tasks to edit the current Task or create a new Task.

Note: You may wish to use import markbook data in bulk from an existing Excel spreadsheet. You can do this using the Markbook Generic Export and Import modules. You use the Export module to export the pupil list from 3sysACADEMIC to a spreadsheet, and the Import module to import the markbook data entered in that spreadsheet. You can then use Mark Inquiry to analyse that data.