About Deleting Pastoral Records

There are two ways of deleting pastoral records and notes (including actions). Depending upon profile permissions, users are able to 'soft' delete and / or 'hard' delete records / notes. Any user with relevant access levels can 'soft' delete, meaning that the record's status changes to 'deleted' or that a note's status changes to 'Deleted Notes/Actions'. Only those with Pastoral Management Administrator access can 'hard' delete records / notes, meaning that they are removed from the system. Pastoral Management Administrators can also undo soft deletes to reinstate records / notes. Soft deleted notes cannot be amended and can only be seen by Pastoral Management Administrators.

As well as being able to permanently delete records / notes that have been soft deleted by colleagues, System Administrators and Pastoral Management Administrators can also delete pastoral management records in bulk using the Bulk Deletion of Pastoral Records function. This enables schools to remove obsolete records that are no longer required for legislative reasons and to help meet organisations' GDPR responsibilities.